Creating content sucks.
Waiting MONTHS to get free traffic from that content sucks even more.
Waiting MONTHS only to find out your content isn’t good enough, and it’s never gonna produce free traffic, sucks the most.
I know… I’m just a breath of fresh air today, huh?! Lol!
Well, you know what…
It ain’t always rainbows and ponies.
Someone’s gotta tell it how it is… and that someone is me.
Like, seriously though, if I told you to crank out a bunch of 500-word articles and six months later you’re still waiting for your first visitor…
You’d be pretty ticked off at me, right?
That’s why I’m not gonna tell you to crank out a bunch of 500-word articles…
Or ANY articles at all for that matter.
Why’s that, Duston? Article marketing doesn’t work anymore?
That’s not what I’m saying.
Article marketing DEFINITELY still works… if, and this is a BIG if, you know what you’re doing.
Article marketing is not at all what it used to be back in 2008-2009.
You can’t just spin another person’s article…
Add your bio to the bottom of it…
Blast it out to hundreds of article directories…
And get floods of traffic, almost immediately.
Nope. Doesn’t work like that anymore.
There’s a whole new article marketing strategy you need to use in 2020.
It’s a strategy I call Content Narrowcasting. More about that another day.
That’s not what I wanted to share with you today.
I want to talk about an overlooked, and underused, free traffic source…
That I believe to be the single most effective free traffic source for building an email list.
It’s super simple, super effective, and super FAST.
Let’s talk about those three things for a sec.
All you need is a one-page website.
You don’t even need your own domain name or hosting…
This free traffic source works even if you use the free site-builders like, Tumblr… even Wix and Weebly!
Can you believe that?!
The only thing you need is one free online tool. It’s VERY easy to use. Nothing technical about it at all.
And, it’s free forever. No trials or paid plans needed to get TONS of free traffic.
Let’s go on to the next one…
This free traffic source is PERFECT for building email lists.
By perfect, I mean, the traffic you get converts like crazy.
You should expect opt-in rates between 70-90%.
No, I’m not kidding. Even absolute beginners. Doesn’t matter.
If you get 500 visitors per day… you should expect 350-450 of them to become your email subscribers.
And the third one…
This is the best part about using this free traffic source…
The free online tool I mentioned above will guide you through the entire setup process, which takes a total of about 10 minutes.
When it’s done, it’ll spit out some code that you just copy and paste onto a page on your site.
Then, you copy the URL of that page and you share that URL on a few very specific websites.
I actually have a list of over 100 of these very specific websites. They’re all free to use.
Although, just a quick copy-and-paste of your URL on only a few of them is all it takes to start getting hundreds of visitors per day.
These websites are hungry for what you have.
They need YOU more than you need THEM.
That’s why this works so well.
I’m talking HUNDREDS of FREE visitors and subscribers TODAY…
Not 6 months from now, like old-school organic SEO traffic…
I’ve been a digital marketer for 10 years now.
I’ve NEVER seen anything that’s more “beginner friendly” than this.
You literally need absolutely ZERO experience or expertise to do this.
In fact, this is so simple, my 63-year-old mom could do it. No joke.
I used my mom as the “avatar” when I created my training on this traffic source.
I asked my self every step of the way, “Would Mom understand this and be able to do it herself?”
The answer was always, YES, because it’s super easy.
I also set out to make sure it actually delivered results.
Because, who cares if it’s super easy if it doesn’t get you results, right?
Well, it DEFINITELY gets you results. Check out the message I received from a student who recently went through this training:
“I wanted to pass on some great news! I launched yesterday exactly as described in the training and I am already seeing results.
In just 24 hours I have received 352 page views and 258 subscribers added to my autoresponder. That’s a conversion rate of 73%!!!
I have only used 7 of the websites you shared with us. I can’t wait to see what happens when they are all in the mix.
I am so excited because I have tried this in the past and always failed. I was using my own squeeze page and trying to push traffic to it with Facebook ads.
Those ads were very expensive and never delivered results like this! Thank you very much, Duston. This course is simply amazing.” -Chris
Is that insane, or what?!
258 email subscribers in his FIRST 24 hours after launching!!
I can assure you, what Chris experienced is not fluke. I’ve seen it happen time and time again with this traffic source.
As of right now, I’ve only shared the specifics of this traffic source inside one of my trainings.
I might decide to make it available as a stand-alone training some day.
But, right now, there’s only one place you can get it. Inside my:
Affiliate Ground Zero 30-Day Bootcamp
Dream big. Take action.
Duston McGroarty