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Duston McGroarty

Internet Entrepreneur

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I want to play a game…


The name of the game is Cumulative Email Madness.

Sounds like a hoot, right?! 🤣

Here’s how it works…

The goal is to build the biggest, baddest, most money-making-est email list you possibly can…

…In the shortest amount of time…

…While spending the least amount of money possible.

Make sense? Cool. (Yes, I enjoy having 1-sided conversations with my virtual email friends. Don’t judge.)

To start off, we each get $50,000 of play money, like Monopoly money.

Each round, in private, players need to make three selections:

-A traffic source

-A total traffic budget

-And a monetization strategy

There are many traffic sources to choose from and even more monetization strategies to choose from.

Let me paint you a mental picture…

Imagine you and I are sitting down facing each other.

We each have our own Battleship-type screen where we submit our three selections each round.

I can’t see your screen and you can’t see mine.

After we have both submitted our selections for the round…

Our screens get updated displaying our results from that round, as well as our overall results of the game to that point.

Here’s the kicker…

Our screens ALSO show the other player’s overall results including…

Their total subscriber count…

And, their total profit generated.

Everything else remains private.

Still with me? Good.

Oh yeah, one more thing…

Each round is considered to be a month’s worth of time.

So, by the end of Round 3 (the final round), 90 days would have passed in make-believe time.

Ok, now we’re ready to get started…


You’ve studied all the choices and have made your selections:

Traffic Source:

Total Budget:

Monetization Strategy:
Send traffic to a squeeze page and promote an affiliate offer through a series of email autoresponder messages.

You feel pretty good about your selections, now you’re just waiting on me.

A few minutes later, I submit my selections and our screens start calculating the results.

Tiny beads of sweat start to form on your forehead.

You glance up at me and wonder how I can remain so calm and collected, cool as a cucumber.

Our screens flash back on displaying the results from the first round.

It’s not looking good for you.

You feel a lump forming in your throat and the tiny beads of sweat have now become large drops.

Let’s take a look at the results…


YOU: 1,500 subscribers and $1,110 in revenue

Ouch. That’s quite a loss. Let’s see how I did…

ME: 12,500 subscribers and $74,250 in revenue

Your face freezes in disbelief.

“How the eff did you hit numbers like that? What frickin’ combination of selections did you choose?! That’s insane!”

I grin and motion to begin the next round.


This round, you spend even more time analyzing your choices.

Trying to figure out which unique combination of choices I made.

After about 10 minutes, you’ve come to a decision on which selections to use.

You feel really good about your selections this time.

In an effort to make up for some of the money you lost last round, you decide to change things up a bit.

Here are your Round 2 selections:

Traffic Source:
Native Ads

Total Budget:

Monetization Strategy:
Send traffic to a survey squeeze page then promote specific affiliate offers based on the selections made in the survey.

It’s now been 20 minutes since you’ve made your selections and I still haven’t submitted mine yet.

You begin to wonder what in the world I’m doing.

Finally, you see me hit the ‘Submit’ button for my selections.

“It’s about dang time,” you think to yourself.

Our screens sync together and begin calculating the results.

You can’t shake the butterflies from your stomach.

Every second that passes waiting on the results feels like an eternity.

All of a sudden our screens flash back on and the results are displayed.


YOU: 3,500 subscribers and $2,590 in revenue

Oh boy, that’s no bueno. Let’s see how I did…

ME: 31,062 subscribers and $122,735 in revenue

“UGHHHH!!”, you roar, after seeing the overall results.

You look up at me and see no expression whatsoever on my face.

You can’t believe this crap. It HAS to be rigged. This is a joke, right?!

There’s just NO way.

I remain silent and signal to begin the final round.


You’re at a loss for what to do next.

You only have $20k left and there’s a HUGE deficit of both subscribers and revenue between you and me.

You don’t have any other choice but to go “all in”. One last hail mary.

Here are the selections you choose for the final round:

Traffic Source:
Google Display Ads (targeted by keyword)

Total Budget:

Monetization Strategy:
Send traffic to a squeeze page and promote an affiliate offer through a series of email autoresponder messages.

You notice I quickly made my selections this round.

Now we’re waiting on the final results to be calculated.

The anticipation is killing you.

Finally, the screens flash back on and the final results are displayed.


YOU: 6,000 subscribers and $4,070 in revenue


ME: 61,745 subscribers and $213,255 in revenue

You throw your hands up in disgust.

Now you see a smile the size of Texas on my face.

All butt-hurt, you ask…

“How did you do it? What selections did you make?”

I calmly stand up, spin my screen around so you can see it, and point to my secret weapon.

“No WAAAY!” you gasp, “no frickin’ way”.

With a smirk on my face, I nod and walk away.

What was my secret weapon?

What allowed me to build an email list more than 10x the size of yours…

While generating more than 50x the revenue as you…

In the same amount of time?


Click Here to Discover My Secret Email Weapon

Though the story above is not real, the numbers are VERY real.

The way you feel after reading this story is the same way most people feel when they try to build an email list online.

Completely lost and clueless as to how other marketers can make the numbers work.

If you want to learn how to “make the numbers work”, click that link above.

The clock is ticking though. Don’t dilly-dally on this one.

Dream big. Take action.
Duston McGroarty

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Duston McGroarty

Internet Entrepreneur

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